Faces of Brazil

Passing through streets and alleys, saw cities, colorful houses small as big, doors again big and small with exotics colors and walls surrounding house in all kind of sizes. I bring you faces; I couldn’t resist all the faces I saw.

Are the beautiful, yes and…. all kind of shapes and age, all with a different story. The man selling candy at a food market for probably almost nothing, and this man didn’t have a mobile phone, but his son have one. He asked me if my camera was for real and I took his picture and showed him. A young couple selling homemade socks in search of a future for their soon baby to come, and asking me who knows I can take a picture of their baby one day. Some smile easily at you others with mistrust.

That’s okay. Being in from of the camera some are relaxed others shy and restricted – well I give you a few.

“Photography is literature that sees”, Remy Donnanadieu

Entäo eu passei pelas ruas, vi cidades, casas coloridas, pequenas, gastas, portas coloridas, grades, muros, muitos muros.... Mas eu trouxe rostos, näo consegui restistir aos rostos que encontrei ... Se eram belos ? Pra mim eram ..., Neles histórias, muitas .... Do homem que vende balas em um mercado de alimentos, que näo possui celular (- Meu filho, que sabe dessas coisas).

O Casal que trabalha junto e sonha com o futuro da filha, um bebe e me oferece: "Você pode fazer as fotos dela algum dia" ...

Uns sorriem facilmente, outros com desconfianca ... Tudo bem, a frente de uma lente de uma camara há os que sente soltos leves, libertos outros que se retraem ...

Bem, eu os trouxe ...

" Fotografia é a literatura do olhar"  Remy Donnanadieu


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